o NAME: Marco Turco o PLACE OF BIRTH: Cuneo (Italy) o YEAR OF BIRTH: 1978 WORK EXPERIENCE 2021 - to date: research contract at the Regional Atmospheric Modeling (MAR) Group, Department of Physics, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Funds: o Ramón y Cajal Contract 2019 - 2021: research contract at the Regional Atmospheric Modeling (MAR) Group, Department of Physics, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Funds: o Climate monitoring and PREDictions to forecast global FIRE activity (PREDFIRE project) 2018 - 2019: research contract at the Earth Sciences - Earth System Services Group, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain. Field: o Application of seasonal forecasting and monitoring products to agriculture 2017 - 2018: research contract at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Field: o Seasonal Forecast, drought, forest fires, regional climate change 2016: research contract at Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS), Barcelona, Spain. Field: o Application of seasonal forecasting to crop yield estimates 2015 - 2016: research contract at the Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET), National Research Council (CNR), Florence, Italy. Field: o Development of regionalized climate change scenarios: stochastic generation of multi-site synthetic climatic data 2014 - 2015: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC), National Research Council (CNR), Turin, Italy. Field: o Regional climate downscaling o Climate change impacts on ecosystems o Analysis of climate data 2012 - 2013: research contract at the CMCC- Impacts on Soil and Coast (ISC) division. Field: o Statistical downscaling in climate change conditions o Analysis of climate data o Evaluation of Regional Climate Impacts 2009 - 2011: research contract at the University of Barcelona; Department of Astronomy & Meteorology, group GAMA (Meteorological Hazards Analysis Team). Field: o Statistical downscaling in climate change conditions o Analysis of climate data o Evaluation of Regional Climate Model (RCMs) 2002 - 2009: meteorologist at the Weather Service of Environmental Agency of Piedmont (ARPA Piemonte). Field: o Operational forecast activity o Development of a meteo-hydrological system for civil protection purposes o Verification of the meteorological models EDUCATION Ph.D.: Physics 2009 - 2012 University of Barcelona, Spain Ph.D., Physics, 25 July 2012
MS: Physics 1997-2002 University of Turin, Italy M.S., Physics, 20 April 2002
1997 High school diploma obtained in 1997 with note 60/60. Courses/summer schools/etc.
SERVICE Associated editor of Geosciences Editor of the MedCLIVAR newsletter Review Editor in Fire and Forests, part of the journal(s) Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. Nominated expert reviewer by the Spanish National Research Agency Nominated expert for REPRISE-Register of Expert Peer-Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation Nominated expert to evaluate proposal in the frame of PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) calls for projects Peer-Reviewer for: Environmental Research Letter, Climate Dynamics, Climatic Change, Remote Sensing, International Journal of Climatology, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Advances in Meteorology, Advances in Geosciences, PLOS ONE, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Earth Sciences Research Journal, Agricultural Water Management, Ecosystems, Journal of Hydrology, Climate Services, Environmental Research Communications Co-Convener of the session Downscaling approaches (Conveners: J. Carreau, B. Hingray, M. Turco, J-P. Vidal), MISTRALS international meta-program workshop on Climate change impacts in the Mediterranean region, 16-18 Oct 2017, Montpellier, France. Co-Convener of the session 1.4 - Climate change: impacts on natural resources and hazards (Conveners: Maurizio Polemio, Marta Chiarle, and Marco Turco), IAEG XII CONGRESS Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, 15-18 Sep 2014, Turin, Italy Convener of the session 1.7 - Downscaling Climate Information (Conveners: Marco Turco, Maria del Carmen LLasat Botija, Jost von Hardenberg), IAEG XII CONGRESS Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, 15-18 Sep 2014, Turin, Italy COLLABORATIONS Member of:
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