ARTICLES IN REVIEWED JOURNALS 55. Trascasa-Castro, P., Maycock, A. C., Ruprich-Robert, Y., Turco, M., & Staten, P. W. (2023). Atlantic Multidecadal Variability modulates the climate impacts of El Niño–Southern Oscillation in Australia. Environmental Research Letters, 18(8), 084029. 54. Turco M., John T. Abatzoglou, Sixto Herrera, Yizhou Zhuang, Sonia Jerez, Donald D. Lucas, Amir AghaKouchak, and Ivana Cvijanovic. (2023). Anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in California. PNAS. 120 (25) e2213815120. 53. Jerez, S., Barriopedro, D., García-López, A., Lorente-Plazas, R., Somoza, A., Turco, M., Carrillo, J., & Trigo, R. (2023). An action-oriented, data science-driven approach to make the most of the wind and solar power complementarity. Earth's Future, 11(6), e2022EF003332. 52. Torres-Vázquez MÁ, A Halifa-Marín, JP Montávez, M Turco (2023). High resolution monitoring and probabilistic prediction of meteorological drought in a Mediterranean environment. Weather and Climate Extremes, 100558 51. Vissio, G., Turco, M., & Provenzale, A. (2022). Testing drought indicators for summer burned area prediction in Italy. Natural Hazards, 1-13. 50. Chuvieco, E., Pettinari, M. L., Koutsias, N., Forkel, M., Hantson, S., & Turco, M. (2021). Human and climate drivers of global biomass burning variability. Science of The Total Environment, 779, 146361. 49. Vicente‐Serrano, S. M., Domínguez‐Castro, F., Murphy, C., Hannaford, J., Reig, F., Peña‐Angulo, D., ... & El Kenawy, A. (2021). Long‐term variability and trends in meteorological droughts in Western Europe (1851–2018). International journal of climatology, 41, E690-E717. 48. Yves, T., Koutroulis, A., Samaniego, L., Vicente-Serrano, S. M., Volaire, F., Boone, A., ... & Cailleret, M. (2020). Challenges for drought assessment in the Mediterranean region under future climate scenarios. Earth-Science Reviews, 103348. 47. Augusto, S., Ratola, N., Tarín-Carrasco, P., Jiménez-Guerrero, P., Turco, M., Schuhmacher, M., ... & Costa, C. (2020). Population exposure to particulate-matter and related mortality due to the Portuguese wildfires in October 2017 driven by storm Ophelia. Environment International, 144, 106056. 46. Peña-Angulo, D., Vicente-Serrano, S. M., Domínguez-Castro, F., Murphy, C., Reig, F., Tramblay, Y., Trigo, R. Maria Y Luna, Turco, M. & Aznárez-Balta, M. (2020). Long-term precipitation in Southwestern Europe reveals no clear trend attributable to anthropogenic forcing. Environmental Research Letters. 45. Turco, M., Jerez, S., Donat, M. G., Toreti, A., Vicente-Serrano, S. M., & Doblas-Reyes, F. J. (2020). A global probabilistic dataset for monitoring meteorological droughts. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, (2020). 44. Zampieri, M., Toreti, A., Ceglar, A., Naumann, G., Turco, M., & Tebaldi, C. (2020). Climate resilience of the top ten wheat producers in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Regional Environmental Change, 20(2), 1-9. 43. Jerez, S., López‐Romero, J. M., Turco, M., Lorente‐Plazas, R., Gómez‐Navarro, J. J., Jiménez‐Guerrero, P., & Montávez, J. P. On the spin‐up period in WRF simulations over Europe: trade offs between length and seasonality. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, e2019MS001945. 42. Cortès, M., Turco, M., Ward, P., Sánchez-Espigares, J. A., Alfieri, L., & Llasat, M. C. (2019). Changes in flood damage with global warming on the eastern coast of Spain. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19(12), 2855-2877. 41. Turco, M., Jerez, S. Augusto, S. Tárin-Carrasco, P., Ratola, N., Jímenez-Guerrero, P. Trigo, R. M. (2019). Climte drivers of the 2017 devastating fires in Portugal. Scientific Reports, 9:13886. 40. Turco, M., Herrera, S., Tourigny, E., Chuvieco, E., & Provenzale, A. (2019). A comparison of remotely-sensed and inventory datasets for burned area in Mediterranean Europe. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 82, 101887. 39. Turco, M., Marcos-Matamoros, R., Castro, X., Canyameras, E., & Llasat, M. C. (2019). Seasonal prediction of climate-driven fire risk for decision-making and operational applications in a Mediterranean region. Science of The Total Environment 676, 577-583 38. Jerez, S., Tobin, I., Turco, M., Jiménez-Guerrero, P., Vautard, R., & Montávez, J. P. (2019). Future changes, or lack thereof, in the temporal variability of the combined wind-plus-solar power production in Europe. Renewable Energy, 139, 251-260. 37. Marco Turco, Juan José Rosa Cánovas, Joaquín Bedía, Sonia Jerez, Juan Pedro Montávez, Maria Carmen Llasat, and Antonello Provenzale (2018). Exacerbated fires in Mediterranean Europe due to anthropogenic warming projected with non-stationary climate-fire models. Nature Communications. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06358-z. 36. Marco Turco, Sonia Jerez, Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes, Amir AghaKouchak, Maria Carmen Llasat, and Antonello Provenzale (2018). Skilful forecasting of global fire activity using seasonal climate predictions. Nature Communications. 9(1), 2018. 35. Cortès, M., Turco, M., Llasat-Botija, M., and Llasat, M. C.: The relationship between precipitation and insurance data for flood damages in a region of the Mediterranean (Northeast Spain), Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences, vol. 18, p. 857-868. 2018 34. Jerez, S., López-Romero, J. M., Turco, M., Jiménez-Guerrero, P., Vautard, R., & Montávez, J. P. (2018). Impact of evolving greenhouse gas forcing on the warming signal in regional climate model experiments. Nature communications, 9(1), 1304. 2018 33. Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa, Antoine Cabon, Marco Turco, Nicolas Martin, Victor Granda (2018). Estimating daily meteorological data and downscaling climate models over landscapes. Environmental Modelling and Software. Volume 108, October 2018, Pages 186-196 32. J.M. Gutiérrez, D. Maraun, M. Widman, R. Huth, E. Hertig, R. Benestad, O. Roessler, J. Wibig, R. Wilcke, S. Kotlarski, D. San Martín, S. Herrera, J. Bedia, A. Casanueva, R. Manzanas, M. Iturbide, M. Vrac, M. Dubrovsky, J. Ribalaygua, J. Pórtoles, O. Räty, J. Räisänen, B. Hingray, D. Raynaud, M. J. Casado, P. Ramos, T. Zerenner, M. Turco, T. Bosshard, P. Stepánek, J. Bartholy, R. Pongracz, D.E. Keller, A.M. Fischer, R.M. Cardoso, P.M.M. Soares, B. Czernecki, C. Pagé (2018). An intercomparison of a large ensemble of statistical downscaling methods over Europe: Results from the VALUE perfect predictor cross-validation experiment. International Journal of Climatology. 2018 31. Ceglar Andrej, Andrea Toreti, Chloe Prodhomme, Matteo Zampieri, Marco Turco, and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes (2018). Land-surface initialisation improves seasonal climate prediction skill for maize yield forecast. Scientific Reports. 2018 30. Ascoli D., Vacchiano G., Turco M., Conedera M., Drobyshev I., Maringer J., Motta R. & Hacket-Pain A. (2017). Inter-annual and decadal changes in teleconnections drive continental-scale synchronization of tree reproduction. Nature Communications, 8 29. Marcos, R., Llasat, M. C., Quintana-Seguí, P., & Turco, M. (2018). Use of bias correction techniques to improve seasonal forecasts for reservoirs—A case-study in northwestern Mediterranean. Science of The Total Environment, 610, 64-74 28. Turco, M., Ceglar, A., Prodhomme, C., Soret, A., Toreti, A., & Doblas-Reyes, F. (2017). Summer drought predictability over Europe: empirical versus dynamical forecasts. Environmental Research Letters 27. Cortès, M., Llasat, M. C., Gilabert, J., Llasat-Botija, M., Turco, M., Marcos, R., Martín Vide, J. P. & Falcón, L. Towards a better understanding of the evolution of the flood risk in Mediterranean urban areas: the case of Barcelona. Natural Hazards, 1-22 26. Vacchiano, G., Hacket-Pain, A., Turco, M., Motta, R., Maringer, J., Conedera, M., Drobyshev, I. and Ascoli, D. (2017), Spatial patterns and broad-scale weather cues of beech mast seeding in Europe. New Phytologist. doi:10.1111/nph.14600 25. Quintana-Seguí, P., Turco, M., Herrera, S., & Miguez-Macho, G., Validation of a new SAFRAN-based gridded precipitation product for Spain and comparisons to Spain02 and ERA-Interim, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21(4), 2187–2201 24. Ceglar, A., Turco, M., Toreti, A., & Doblas-Reyes, F. J. (2017). Linking crop yield anomalies to large-scale atmospheric circulation in Europe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 240, 35-45. 23. Turco M., von Hardenberg, J., AghaKouchak, A., Llasat, M. C., Provenzale, A., & Trigo, R. M. On the key role of droughts in the dynamics of summer fires in Mediterranean Europe. Scientific Reports (2017) 22. Turco M., Llasat M. C., Herrera S., Gutiérrez J. M. Bias correction and downscaling of future RCM precipitation projections using a MOS-Analog technique. Journal of Geophysical Research (2017) 21. Turco, M., Levin, N., Tessler ,N. and Saaroni H. Recent changes and relations among drought, vegetation and wildfires in the eastern Mediterranean: The case of Israel. Global and Planetary Change (2016) 20. Marcos, R., Llasat, M. C., Quintana-Sequí, P., Turco, M. Seasonal predictability of water resources in a Mediterranean freshwater reservoir and assessment of its utility for end-users. Accepted in Science of the Total Environment (2016) 19. Quintana-Sequí, P., Peral, C., Turco, M., Llasat, M. C. and Martin, E. Meteorological analysis systems in the North-East of Spain. Validation of SAFRAN and comparison to SPAN. J. Environ. Inform. 27(2) 116-130 (2016) 18. Llasat, M. C., Marcos, R., Turco, M., Gilabert, J., & Llasat-Botija, M. Trends in flash flood events versus convective precipitation in the Mediterranean region: The case of Catalonia. Journal of Hydrology, 2016 17. Turco, M., Bedia, J., Di Liberto, F., Fiorucci, P., von Hardenberg, J., Koutsias, N., ... & Provenzale, A. Decreasing Fires in Mediterranean Europe. PLoS one, 2016 16. Marcos, R., Turco, M., Bedia, J., Llasat, M. C., Provenzale, A. Seasonal predictability of summer fires in a Mediterranean environment. Int. J. Wildland Fire, 2015 15. Turco M., Palazzi E., von Hardenberg J., Provenzale A. Observed climate change hotspots. Geophysical Research Letter, 2015 14. Turco M., Llasat M. C., von Hardenberg J., Provenzale A. Climate change impacts on wildfires in a Mediterranean environment. Climatic Change, 369-380, 2014 13. Llasat M. C., Marcos R. Llasat-Botija M., Gilabert J., Turco M., & Quintana-Seguí P. Flash flood evolution in North-Western Mediterranean. Atmos. Res., 149, 230-243, 2014 12. Llasat M. C., Turco M., Quintana-Seguí P., & Llasat-Botija M. The snow storm of the 8th of March 2010 in Barcelona: a paradigmatic case. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1457-1468, 2014 11. Fernàndez-Chacón A., Stefanescu C., Genovart M., Nichols J. D., Hines J. E., Páramo F., Turco M., Oro D. Determinants of extinction-colonization dynamics in Mediterranean butterflies: the role of landscape, climate and local habitat features. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83 (1), 276-285, 2014 10. Turco M., R. Marcos, P. Quintana-Seguí, and M. C. Llasat. Testing Instrumental and Downscaled Reanalysis Time Series for Temperature Trends in NE of Spain in the Last Century. Regional Environmental Change, 14 (5), 1811–1823, 2014 9. Turco M., Sanna A., Herrera S., Llasat M. C., & Gutiérrez J. M. Large biases and inconsistent climate change signals in ENSEMBLES regional projections. Climatic Change, 120, 859-869, 2013 8. Turco M., Zollo A. L., Ronchi C., De Luigi C., and Mercogliano P. Assessing gridded observations for daily precipitation extremes in the Alps with a focus on northwest Italy. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1457-1468, 2013 7. Turco M., M. C. Llasat, A. Tudela, X. Castro and A. Provenzale. Brief communication Decreasing fires in a Mediterranean region (1970–2010, NE Spain). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 649-652, 2013. 6. Turco M., Llasat M. C., von Hardenberg J., Provenzale A. Impact of climate variability on summer fires in a Mediterranean environment (northeastern Iberian Peninsula). Climatic Change, 116, 665-678, 2012 5. Turco M., Llasat M. C. Trends in indices of daily precipitation extremes in Catalonia (NE Spain), 1951–2003. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 3213-3226, 2011 ---> code available here. 4. Turco M., Quintana-Seguì P., Llasat M. C., Herrera S., Gutiérrez J. M. Testing MOS Precipitation Downscaling for ENSEMBLES Regional Climate Models over Spain. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D18109, 14 PP., 2011 3. Milelli M., Turco M., and Oberto E. Screen-level non-GTS data assimilation in a limited-area mesoscale model. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 1129-1149, 2010 2. Turco M., Milelli M. The forecaster's added value. Adv. Geosci., 25, 29-36, 2010 1. Calmanti S., Motta L., Turco M., Provenzale A. Impact of climate variability on alpine glaciers in north-western Italy. International Journal of Climatology, Volume 27 Issue 15 , 2017 - 2124, 2007 BOOK CHAPTERS AND CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 14. Cortès Simó, Maria; Turco, Marco; Llasat, Montserrat; Llasat, María del Carmen. Estimación de los daños por inundaciones en el mediterráneo español a partir de la lluvia. In: Montávez Gómez, Juan Pedro, et al. (eds.). El clima: aire, agua, tierra y fuego. Madrid: Asociación Española de Climatología; Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, 2018, p. 837-847 13. Jerez, Sonia; Lorente Plazas, Raquel; Turco, Marco; García Valero, Juan Andrés; Jiménez Guerrero, Pedro; Soler, Ruben Jesús; Montávez, Juan Pedro. Un método simple para el diseño de escenarios óptimos de instalaciones eólicas y fotovoltaicas. In: Montávez Gómez, Juan Pedro, et al. (eds.). El clima: aire, agua, tierra y fuego. Madrid: Asociación Española de Climatología; Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, 2018, p. 633-644 12. Rosa Cánovas, Juan José; Turco, Marco; Jerez, Sonia; Montávez, Juan Pedro. Estudio de las proyecciones de futuro en sequía e incendios en la zona mediterránea. In: Montávez Gómez, Juan Pedro, et al. (eds.). El clima: aire, agua, tierra y fuego. Madrid: Asociación Española de Climatología; Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, 2018, p. 861-871 11. Marco TURCO, Maria CORTÈS SIMÓ, Pere QUINTANA-SEGUÍ, Sonia JEREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Maria Carmen LLASAT BOTIJA, Lorenzo ALFIERI. Changes in meteo-hydrological extremes in Spain at different levels of global warming . In: Montávez Gómez, Juan Pedro, et al. (eds.). El clima: aire, agua, tierra y fuego. Madrid: Asociación Española de Climatología; Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, 2018, p. 449-458 10. Llasat M.C., Corominas J., García Sellés C., Quintana-Sequí P., Turco M., Riscos d’origen climàtic. In: Martín-Vide J. (ed) Tercer Informe sobre el Canvi Climàtic a Catalunya. Publicació del CADS-IEC, pp. 137-160, ISBN 978-84-9965-317-4, págs. 261-266 (2016) 9. Soret, A., M. Turco, M. Terrado, Francisco J. Doblas Reyes Predicciones climáticas estacionales para la gestión del cultivo de la vid Localización: II Jornadas de Viticultura : comunicaciones técnicas : Madrid, 3-4 de noviembre de 2016 / coord. por Pilar Baeza Trujillo, Luis Gonzaga Santesteban García, 2016, ISBN 978-84-617-6515-7, págs. 261-266 Idioma: español 8. Fiorucci P., D‘Andrea M., Biondi G., Turco M., Severino M., Negro D., Gollini A., Gualtieri S., Bastia S.. Gli incendi boschivi in Italia e le attività di previsione del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile nazionale. V. Bacciu, M. Salis, D. Spano Strumenti e modelli a supporta della pianificazione, prevenzione e difesa dagli incendi boschivi, Nuova Stampa Color, pp.50-80, 2015, ISBN: 978 88 99 323 05 9, -20, (2015) 7. Turco, M., Llasat, M. C., von Hardenberg, J., & Provenzale, A. Climate change leads to more frequent but smaller fires in a Mediterranean environment. BLACK SEA/MEDITERRANEAN ENVIRONMENT 21. ISSN: 1304-9550. Proceedings of MedCLIVAR 2014 Conference. (2015) 6. Turco, M., Sanna, A., Herrera, S., Llasat, M. C. and Gutiérrez, J. M. Evaluation of the ENSEMBLES Transient RCM Simulations Over Spain: Present Climate Performance and Future Projections. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 1. Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Clague, J., Shan, W. and Chiarle, M. (Eds), Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978–3–319–09299–7, 199-203, (2014) 5. Zollo A. L., Turco, M., Mercogliano P. Assessment of Hybrid Downscaling Techniques for Precipitation Over the Po River Basin. In: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 1. Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Clague, J., Shan, W. and Chiarle, M. (Eds), Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978–3–319– 09299–7, 193-197, (2014) 4. Turco, M., Zollo A. L., Vezzoli R., Ronchi C., and Mercogliano P. Daily precipitation statistics over the Po Basin: observation and post-processed RCM results. Climate change and its implications on ecosystem and society: Proceedings of I SISC (Società Italiana di Scienze del Clima) Conference; Lecce, 23-24 September 2013 isbn: 978-88-97666-08-0, 22-234 (2013). 3. Cane D., Milelli M., Sanna A., and Turco, M. Meteorological Forecasting. In: Evaluation and prevention of natural risks. Campus S., Barbero S., Bovo S., and Forlati F. (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group, Balkema, London. ISBN: 978–0–415– 41386–2, 265-300 (2007) 2. E. Balletto; F. Barbero; S. Barbero; A. Bari; A. Bertea; S. Bonelli; E. Cadum; B. Cagnazzi; D. Cane; M. Milelli; A. Sanna; M. Turco; M. R. Cesare; N. Ciccarelli; M. Cordola; R. Cremonini; C. De Luigi; J. von Hardenberg; N. Loglisci; M. Nicolella; G. Paesano; R. Pelosini; S. Poncino; G. Priod; A. Provenzale; D. Rabuffetti; C. Ronchi; D. Tiranti; M. Turco; E. Turroni. Il Piemonte nel cambiamento climatico - Osservazioni passate, impatti presenti e strategie future. pp. 1 - 155. Arpa Piemonte, 2007. Available on-line at: < pubblicazioni-2/pubblicazioni-anno-2007/il-piemonte-nel-cambiamento-climatico>. ISBN 978-88-7479-066-1 Type of production: Scientific book or monograph Format: Book 1. M. Turco; P. Bertolotto. The nivo-meteorology service. Arpa and the Games, report of the nivo-meteorological service for the XX Olympic Winter Games Torino 2006. Arpa Piemonte, Institutional Communication, 2006. ISBN 88-7479-047-3 Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book TECHNICAL REPORT/NATIONAL JOURNALS/PROJECTS (NOT REFEREED) 14. Marco Turco, Jost von Hardenberg, Elisa Palazzi, Antonello Provenzale. Regional climate projections and bias correction methods over the Greater Alpine Region. NEXTDATA REPORT. 13. Marco Turco, Renata Vezzoli, Pierfrancesco Da Ronco, Paola Mercogliano. RP0185 – Variation in discharge, precipitation and temperature in Po river and tributaries basins. CMCC Research Paper. 12. Marco Turco, Alessandra Zollo, Valeria Rillo, Paola Mercogliano. RP0179 – GCM driven COSMO-CLM post-processed precipitation over Italy: control and future scenarios. CMCC Research Paper. 11. Marco Turco, Alessandra Zollo, Guido Rianna, Luigi Cattaneo, Renata Vezzoli, Paola Mercogliano. RP0171 – Post-processing methods for COSMO-CLM precipitation over Italy. CMCC Research Paper. 10. Alessandra Zollo, Paola Mercogliano, Marco Turco, Renata Vezzoli, Guido Rianna, Edoardo Bucchignani, Maria Paola Manzi, Myriam Montesarchio. RP0129 – Architectures and tools to analyse the impact of climate change on hydrogeological risk on Mediterranean area. CMCC Research Paper. 9. Cordola M., Turroni E., Prola M. C., Bertea A., Zaccagnino M., Turco M., Martorina S. Intense rainfalls and snowfalls between 14-17 december in Piedmont. Neve e Valanghe, 67, 2009 8. Turco M., Milelli M. Towards Operational Probabilistic Precipitation Forecast. COSMO Newsletter No. 9 7. Oberto E., Turco M. Report about the latest results of precipitation verification over Italy. COSMO Newsletter No. 8 6. Oberto E., Turco M., Bertolotto P. Results on precipitation verification over Italy. COSMO Newsletter No. 7 5. Contributions in: "Il Piemonte nel cambiamento climatico", (in italian) ARPA Piemonte 4. Contributions in: Campus S., Barbero S., Bovo S., Forlati F. Evaluation and Prevention of Natural Risks, Taylor & Francis, 2007. 3. Contributions in: "Arpa and the Games", ARPA Piemonte, report of the nivo-meteorological service for the XX Olympic Winter Games Torino 2006 2. Oberto E., Turco M., Bertolotto P. Latest results in the precipitation verification over Northern Italy. COSMO Newsletter No. 6 1. Turco M., Oberto E., Bertolotto P. Progresses on LAMI, LM-DWD, aLMo verification over Northern Italy. COSMO Newsletter No. 5 |